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[单曲]Loreena McKennitt-The Mummers~~只要你听一次

级别: 论坛版主

你可以不听Enya,也可以不听Dominica,但你绝对不能不听Loreena McKennitt,《The Book Of Secrets》这张专辑无论从配乐、演唱、内涵深度、耐听度等方面都是几乎完美的作品,我们曾经在其他场合评价这张专辑为“一张会杀人的碟”,我们至今还这么认为,Loreena McKennitt就是音乐鸦片,你无法抗拒,只要你听过第一次……在很多时候,Loreena McKennitt的专辑会纳入到CELTIC Music类型,CELTIC即凯尔特,古老的凯尔特族很古老,是欧洲大陆上阿尔卑斯山以北最早兴起的史前民族,公元前四、五世纪是他们的全盛时期,当时整个中、欧洲都是他们的版图。现在的爱尔兰语就属于凯尔特语族戈伊迪利语支。他们没有文字,知识的传承籍由口口相传,但在星象、宗教、地理与哲学方面已相当成熟,以至于罗马人也常雇用他们做家庭教师。凯尔特族有着深厚的文化涵养,于是在音乐上也有丰富而独特的的表现。进入现代,凯尔特独有的音乐风格仍旧魅力无穷,兴起的凯尔特音乐,带动了其他民族音乐的兴起,促使了World Music这个词汇的诞生,但是CELTIC Music作为独特的一个称呼保留下来,因为它和音乐类型无关,就像中国民乐一样,可以是乐器独奏也可以山歌也可以是戏剧一样。《The Book Of Secrets》有着典型的民族风格,The Mummers' Dance是一首现代元素相对多一点的曲子,风格有些象流行歌,但音乐内涵深刻,听过才能体会。

When in the springtime of the year
When the trees are crowned with leaves
When the ash and oak, and the birch and yew
Are dressed in ribbons fair

When owls call the breathless moon
In the blue veil of the night
The shadows of the trees appear
Amidst the lantern light

We've been rambling all the night
And some time of this day
Now returning back again
We bring a garland gay

Who will go down to those shady groves
And summon the shadows there
And tie a ribbon on those sheltering arms
In the springtime of the year

The songs of birds seem to fill the wood
That when the fiddler plays
All their voices can be heard
Long past their woodland days

We've been rambling all the night
And some time of this day
Now returning back again
We bring a garland gay

And so they linked their hands and danced
Round in circles and in rows
And so the journey of the night descends
When all the shades are gone

"A garland gay we bring you here
And at your door we stand
It is a sprout well budded out
The work of our Lord's hand"

We've been rambling all the night
And some time of this day
Now returning back again
We bring a garland gay

We've been rambling all the night
And some time of this day
Now returning back again
We bring a garland gay