幻想中的我坐在波音747客机上。庞大的机体穿过厚重的雨云,俯身向汉堡机场降落。十一月砭人肌肤的冷雨,将大地涂得一片阴沉,使得身披雨衣的地勤工、候机楼上呆然垂向地面的旗,以及BMW广告板等一切的一切,看上去竟同佛兰德派抑郁画的背景一般。罢了罢了,又是德国,我想。 飞机一着陆,禁烟显示牌倏然消失,天花板扩音器中低声流出背景音乐,那是一个管弦乐队自鸣得意地演奏的甲壳虫乐队的《挪威的森林》。那旋律一如往日地使我难以自已,不,比往日还要强烈地摇撼着我的身心……
约翰列侬主唱的《挪威的森林》norwegian wood - the beatles i once had a girlor should i say she once had meshe showed me her roomisn't it good norwegian wood?she asked me to stayand she told me to sit anywhereso i looked aroundand i noticed there wasn't a chairi sat on a rug biding my timedrinking her winewe talked until two and then she said"it's time for bed"she told me she workedin the morning and started to laughi told her i didn'tand crawled off to sleep in the bathand when i awoke i was alonethis bird had flownso i lit a fireisn't it good norwegian wood