索菲娅·格林首位签约中国唱片的欧洲著名歌星完美声线超级演泽,华语经典歌曲英文版。索菲娅·格林是瑞典家喻户晓的歌手,有北欧的莎拉·布莱曼之称。12岁就开始登台表演的索菲娅有“瑞典银狐”之称,是第一位签约中国内地录制专辑的西方歌手,也是第一个录制经典中国歌曲英文版专辑的西方歌手。曾获多项世界级的音乐、唱片大奖。1998年,索菲娅出演《西贡小姐》(瑞典版)女主角并获得最佳女主角奖,之后,她应中央电视台之邀开始第一次的中国之行,在北京、上海、青岛、杭州、成都、武汉等地巡回表演。今年,索菲娅再次到中国巡演之前,她签约中国唱片公司,并跨地域合作推出收录了11首中国流行歌曲的专辑《东方西方1》据专辑的音乐制作人王厚明介绍:“索菲娅对中国十分热爱和向往,她凭借自己对音乐的热爱、对中国的了解和对生活的感悟,填写出英文歌词,尤其在《Life(后来)》《EarlyMorning(2002年的第一场雪)》等歌曲中,索菲娅配合中文原曲的发音、压韵等填词、演唱令中国歌迷更添亲切感。整张专辑的制作按照发烧碟的标准进行,推出后颇受欢迎。”在索菲娅即将在广州开她的个人演唱会的同时,中国唱片广州分公司也推出了索菲娅的一张个人专辑。索菲娅人声部分的录制是由JohanAberg以及瑞典斯德哥尔摩电子音乐制作集团的制作组合Joe&Rob完成的。在录制过程中他们使用了优质的AKG141studioheadphone和Manley麦克风,这些对索菲娅的声音处理起到了很大的作用。而她的音源是由中国唱片公司提供。《索菲娅·格林》专辑由国内著名音乐制作人王厚明操刀监制。因监制中唱的《靡靡之音》发烧系列而在行内大热的王厚明对索菲娅的演唱风格和整体音乐感的把握赞不绝口。他评价说:无论是索菲娅的个人声线或是录音技术都达到世界级水准,其演绎风格的灵动优雅不可多见whole life the wonder such you bring the beauty i can see but i keep deep inside on it oh life i feel that i can bring it again in the world where love will still remain choose your words make them whys many things have produced(?) where we are i am here here with you close your eyes let love heal the sorrow once again i feel in life i'm sure of this insight and i need you more than ever life's told me so much more feel stronger than before of this feeling stay here forever long ago i was blind i thought the love was so waste here to stay but we walked all the way and we said good bye even though i knew i loved you still suddenly you were gone and she was in your rounds its picture i remember i was lost could not be saved my life just ran away i only wish that we could start over but true love will find its way now i love it seemed to stay i lost it once and now i found the way to live again oh life i wonder such you bring the beauty i can see but i keep deep inside on it oh life i feel that i can bring it again in the world where love will still remain but true love will find its way now i love it seemed to stay i lost it once now i found the way to live again oh life the wonder such you bring the beauty i can see but i keep deep inside on it oh life i feel that i can bring it again in the world where love will still remain mmm.... in the world where love will still remain