Banaroo是个德国四人流行乐组,由两男(Bobby和Vito)两女(Steffy和Cat)构成。Bobby原名Robbert Dessauvagie,1982年10 月13日生于荷兰。Vito原名Vittorio Magro,1980年2 月12日生于比利时。Steffy原名Stefanie Dreyer,1982年1月21日生于德国魏玛。Cat原名Kathrin Geißler,1987年3月19日生于德国汉堡。 Banaroo乐组2005年在德国Super RTL 电视台的记实系列剧 “banaroo:明星日记”中轰动性地脱颖而出。在其单曲“Dubi Dam Dam” 获得金唱片奖后,banaroo乐组又得以与其出版商Na Klar! 唱片公司和Super RTL 电视台一起共同庆祝其首张专辑“banaroo’s world”喜获白金唱片奖。作为其职业生涯的新里程碑,banaroo乐组还获得2006年德国“回声音乐奖”中的“德国最佳摇滚/流行乐组”和“德国最佳新人组”奖项的提名.
Banaroo - Space Cowboy
Doo doo b doo be doo (8x)
Spacecowboy i just wanna fly
Right up to the sky
Spacecowboy i just wanna fly to the sky
I just wanna fly,doo doo be doo be doo
Right up to the sky
I just wanna fly,doo doo be doo be doo
Take me to the sky
Grab your hat grab your coat yes were gonna take a ride
to end of the universe do u wanna ride
we will speed through the galaxy
never looking back
now let your travels begin
just release and relax, it s a new experience
put your hand in the air as the engine starts to spin
there is no holding back, it s the perfect consequence
lets watch the magic begin
Free your heart free your mind, on this journey you will find
secret truth to unfold, if u really want to ride
press the gas, Step in gear,
now our rockets gonna fly
leave your troubles behind
close the door, turn the key if u wanna ride with me
there will be no escape once we reach the count of three
press your thumbs, let us run, yes it s gonna be a blast
i see the stars in your eyes
as we soar through the universe
we just fly, we just fly to sky
so high to the sky
Spacecowboy i just wanna fly
Right up to the sky
Spacecowboy i just wanna fly to the sky
I just wanna fly,doo doo be doo be doo
Right up to the sky
I just wanna fly,doo doo be doo be doo
Take me to the sky

[ 此贴被csr99999在2007-07-01 13:11重新编辑 ]