1.Love Comes Again
forever young
歌手: 【Just Be 就是第一】
唱片公司:Avex Trax
专辑简介:世界百大DJ排名第一名'DJ Tiesto提雅斯多'全新創作大碟!!! 除了Armin Van Buuren之外,毫無疑問地,曾在幾年前獲Paul Oakenfold點名推崇的Tiesto是最為電音樂迷所熟悉、最為名聞遐邇的 荷蘭DJ/製作人;特別是2002和2003年Tiesto得以蟬連DJ雜誌公佈的「 世界百大DJ排名」的冠軍位置,緊接著又贏得本屆Dancestar USA Award的「最佳國際DJ」獎項,更令他被視為Trance界的第一把交椅, 個人聲勢推向最高峰,於是「最受歡迎國民DJ」的稱號也就不脛而走。 事實上早從1985年至1993年間,Tiesto就已開始在多間荷蘭Club中擔任 駐場DJ,但更重要的是他與好友Arny Bink成立了知名的Trance廠牌 Black Hole,所發表的Magik與In Search Of Sunrise系列出品都大受 歡迎;2001年時Tiesto再為Black Hole開設副廠Magik Muzik,出版了 轟動舞池的大熱國歌Flight643以及首張個人創作專輯In My Memory, 讓樂迷了解他在DJ身分之外的成熟創作實力。此外,Tiesto亦曾為 Delerium、Moby、Kosheen、Jah Johnson等炮製Remix,首首都成為 Trance DJ們愛用的必備DJ Tools。 經過2003年的冠軍單曲Traffic後,不停巡迴演出的Tiesto仍舊完成了 第二張...

let's dance in style,
let's dance for a while
heaven can wait,
we're only watching the skies
hoping for the best
but expecting the worst
are you going to drop the bomb or not????
let us die young or let us live forever
we don't have the power
but we never say never
sitting in a sandpit,
life is a short trip
the music's for the sad men
can you imagine when this race is won??
turn our golden faces into the sun
praising our leaders,
we're getting in tune
the music's played by the madmen
forever young, i want to be forever young
do you really want to live forever
forever -- and ever
some are like water
some are like the heat
some are a melody and some are the beat
sooner or later, they all will be gone
why don't they stay young?
it's so hard to get old without a cause
i don't want to perish like a fading horse
youth's like diamonds in the sun
and diamonds are forever
so many adventures couldn't happen today
so many songs we forgot to play
so many dreams swinging out of the blue
we'll let them come true
crosstown traffic
by jimi hendrix
you jump in front of my car when you know all the time
that a ninety miles and hour girl is the speed i drive.
you tell me it's alright, you don't mind a little pain.
you say you just want me to take you for a drive.
you just like (crosstown traffic) so hard to get through to you
(crosstown traffic) i don't need to run over you
(crosstown traffic) all you do is slow me down.
and i'm tryin' to get on the other side of town.
i'm not the only soul who's accused of hit and run
tire tracks all across your back i can
i can see you had your fun.
but ah darling can't you see my signals turn from green to red.
and with you i can see a traffic jam staight up ahead.
you just like (crosstown traffic) so hard to get through to you
(crosstown traffic) i don't need to run over you
all you do is slow me down.
and i got better things on the other side of town.
yeah yeah. crosstown traffic.
look out!
look out, baby, comin' through.
crosstown traffic. yeah.
yeah! look out!
3.Sweet Mysery
6..Walking On Clouds
7..A Tear In The Open
8..Just Be
[ 此贴被xuweixuyong在2007-04-06 12:09重新编辑 ]