Sad Eyes,这首歌的词作者是Bruce Springsteen,这位70年代大红大紫的,来自新泽西州费里霍尔德的歌手,同样的这首歌是他很多好听作品中的一首。2001年Neal Coty也翻唱了这首歌,并收录在了Legacy专辑中。也在不久之后,拉丁音乐,现今大红大紫的Enrique Iglesias也将其翻唱,Enrique Iglesias有着西班牙人独有的深邃的双眸,冷峻而又性感的脸庞,富有磁性的嗓音,再加上他那令人神魂颠倒的舞台风格,使无数女性为之倾倒。Enrique别具匠心地把拉丁音乐、地中海韵律以及经典浪漫流行音乐元素巧妙地粘合在一起。不同的音乐风格同样所呈现出来的深邃的情感让人百听不厌。
Every day here you come walking
I hold my tongue, I don't do much talking
You say you're happy and you're doin' fine
Well go ahead, baby, I got plenty of time
Because sad eyes never lie
Because sad eyes never lie
Well for a while I've been watching you steady
Ain't gonna move 'til you're good and ready
You show up and then you shy away
But I know pretty soon you'll be walkin' this way
Baby don't you know I don't care
Don't you know that I've been there
Well if something in the air feels a little unkind
Don't worry darling, it'll slip your mind
Every day here you come walking
I hold my tongue, I don't do much talking
You say you're happy and you're doin' fine
Well go ahead, baby, I got plenty of time
Because sad eyes never lie
Because sad eyes never lie
Well for a while I've been watching you steady
Ain't gonna move 'til you're good and ready
You show up and then you shy away
But I know pretty soon you'll be walkin' this way
Baby don't you know I don't care
Don't you know that I've been there
Well if something in the air feels a little unkind
Don't worry darling, it'll slip your mind
I know you think you'd never be mine
Well that's okay, baby, I don't mind
that shy smile's sweet, that's a fact
Go ahead, I don't mind the act
Here you come all dressed up for a date
Well one more step and it'll be too late
Blue blue ribbon in you hair
Like you're so sure I'll be standing there
Like sad eyes never lie
Like sad eyes never lie
Like sad eyes never lie
Like sad eyes never lie
I know you think you'd never be mine
Well that's okay, baby, I don't mind
that shy smile's sweet, that's a fact
Go ahead, I don't mind the act
Here you come all dressed up for a date
Well one more step and it'll be too late
Blue blue ribbon in you hair
Like you're so sure I'll be standing there
Like sad eyes never lie
Like sad eyes never lie
Like sad eyes never lie
Like sad eyes never lie