音乐小莱姆LeAnn Rimes,用她厚实嘹喨的歌声征服全球数以万计乐迷的心,以一名乡村乐手起家的LeAnn,更难以想象的造成全台湾的疯狂销售沦陷,虽然近期乡村音乐一再改良,加入流行、摇滚、舞曲等元素,但这场精采的乡村缤纷派对,早已在全台火速蔓延开来!
出生在美国密西西比州的LeAnn,从小立志成为一名优秀歌手,2岁时就开始唱歌,5岁稚龄即在歌唱比赛中展露头角,以14岁的年纪发行首张个人作品《Blue》,她那令人讶异万分的超龄演出实力,及充沛深具爆发力收放自若的嗓音,马上引起流行/乡村界的巨大骚动,无不为她的声音所慑服!专辑空降乡村榜冠军、流行榜季军,相继夺下全美音乐奖“最佳新人”与葛莱美奖“年度最佳乡村女歌手”的荣耀加冕,接着推出的早期录音作品《Unchained Melody》、《You Light Up My Life》都夺下乡村榜/流行专辑榜双料冠军,加入流行味浓的续发作品,也都同样获得极佳回响,累积千万销售量的LeAnn Rimes,更是电影厂商的最爱,原本替《空中监狱》演唱的How Do I Live,虽然上演出换人唱之风波,但她的原始版本争气的创下史上停留最久69周之空前纪录,为电影动画《魔剑奇兵》演唱之Looking Through Your Eye,再次缔造电影情歌之经典佳作,最为全球乐迷为之疯狂的《女郎俱乐部》,其片中主题曲与插曲,皆因LeAnn 的领衔带动下,攻入英国市场,成为2000年最为畅销的作品,台湾也突破少数西洋歌手能卖超过10万以上的销售纪录!
两座葛莱美奖、四座Billboard音乐奖及全美音乐等奖项之肯定,已为人妇的LeAnn Rimes,继续在乐坛演出她越显成熟的歌唱魅力。
黎安莱姆丝在04年推出出道以来首张极精选辑“真爱莱临”,被视为是步入成年的一张纪念性大作。此辑收录18首历年招牌单曲,以及2首全新创作,包括与情歌王子Ronan Keating首度深情对唱的Last Thing On My Mind,初尝新婚甜蜜滋味的小莱姆,藉此曲传神唱出恋人心声,另外乐评歌迷一致赞赏的全新大作This Love,展现黎安一贯的动情唱腔!
该首《How do I Live》是电影《空中监狱》的主题曲,创纪录蝉联Billboard流行榜70周LeAnn Rimes--How Do I LiveHow do I get through one night without you?
If I had to live without you
Oh I need you in my arms, need you to hold
You are my world, my heart, my soul
If you ever leave
Baby you would take away
Everything good in my life
And tell me now
How do I live without you?
I want to know
How do I breathe without you?
If you ever go
How do I ever, ever survive?
How do I, how do I, oh how do I live
Without you
There would be no sun in my sky
There would be no love in my life
There would be no world left for me
And I, baby, I don't know what I would do
Please tell me, baby, how do I go on
If you ever leave
Baby you would take away everything
Need you with me
Baby don't you know that you are
Everything good in my life
And tell me now
How do I live without you?
How do I live without you, baby?
How do I live without you?[mp=0]http://bbs.cqreview.com/UploadFile/2005-3/200532423647680.mp3[/mp]
Ne-Yo 《InMyOwnWords》
专辑第一首单曲《Stay》,阐述了Ne-Yo和音乐之间的联系。单曲《SoSick》中,他表达了自己被电台情歌深深地感动的美妙时刻。另一首单曲《WhenYou'reMad》,幽默的Ne-Yo告诉女朋友:她生气的时候更动人。 Ne-Yo --So SickMmmm mmm yeah
Do do do do do do do-do
Oh Yeah
Gotta change my answering machine
Now that I'm alone
Cuz right now it says that we
Can't come to the phone
And I know it makes no sense
Cuz you walked out the door
(Its ridiculous)
Its been months
And for some reason I just
(Cant get over us)
And I'm stronger then this
(Enough is enough)
No more walking round
With my head down
I'm so over being blue
Crying over you
And I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing you were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?
Gotta fix that calender I have
That's marked July 15th
Because since there's no more you
I'm so fed up with my thoughts of you
And your memory
And how every song reminds me
Of what used to be
That's the reason I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing you were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why cant I turn off the radio?
(Leave me alone)
Leave me alone
(Stupid love songs)
Don't make me think about her smile
Or having my first child
Let it go
Turning off the radio
Cuz I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing she was still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why cant I turn off the radio?
(Why cant I turn off the radio?)
Said I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing she was still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why cant I turn off the radio?
(Why cant I turn off the radio?)
And I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing you were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
Why cant I turn off the radio?
(Why cant I turn off the radio?)
Why cant I turn off the radio?[mp=0]http://files.17173.com/ddr/music/rfmusic/So%20Sick.mp3[/mp]
有些人不想当明星都不行,就如星光灿烂的澳洲小天后Delta Goodrem(黛尔塔·古德莱姆)——
7岁轻松打进娱乐圈,为澳洲电视台拍广告并亮相于各类电视娱乐节目。12岁用自己挣来的钱自制个人唱片,其中包括五首自创作品和一首由黛尔塔本人演唱的澳大利亚国歌,唱片后被她邮寄给自己喜爱的足球队the Sydney Swans(“悉尼天鹅队”)。“天鹅队”遂充当伯乐,把这匹千里马碟转交给他们的铁杆球迷兼经纪人Glenn Wheatley。
在接下的两年间,Glenn极力打造黛儿品牌。15岁Delta如愿以偿,签到Sony旗下。18岁其首支单曲Born to try(《生为拼搏》)问世,随即拿下澳洲排行冠军,并一鼓作气抢占英国、新西兰冠军排行。2003年,凭借首张专辑“Innocent Eyes”(《纯真眼眸》),黛尔塔一举摘取了当年ARIA(“澳大利亚音乐大奖”)最佳流行专辑、最佳新人专辑、最佳女艺人、最畅销单曲和最畅销专辑等7项桂冠。
如歌曲“Born to try”(《生为拼搏》)所述——Doing everything that I believe in,专辑“Innocent eyes”(《纯真眼眸》)里除几首和他人合作的歌曲外,几乎所有的作品都是Delta本人的独创,“我希望这张专辑能反映我生命中的这段时光,每首歌都是我对往事的回忆。”
专辑里的主打歌曲“Born to try”一直以来都是电台点播的热门,Delta以她典型的中板抒情风格赢得了听者的心,而中间的高音部分更显示出她坚定的信仰和坚实的唱功。歌曲歌词激励人心,旋律奔放昂扬。Delta Goodrem-- Born to tryDoing everything that I believe in
Going by the rules that I've been taught
More understanding of what's around me
And protected from the walls of love
All that you see is me
And all I truly believe
That I was born to try
I've learned to love
Be understanding
And believe in life
But you've got to make choices
Be wrong or right
Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like
But I was born to try
No point in talking what you should have been
And regretting the things that went on
Life's full of mistakes, destinies and fate
Remove the clouds look at the bigger picture
And all that you see is me
And all I truly believe
That I was born to try
I've learned to love
Be understanding
And believe in life
But you've got to make choices
Be wrong or right
Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like
But I was born to try
All that you see is me
All I truly believe
All that you see is me
And all I truly believe
That I was born to try
I've learned to love
Be understanding
And believe in life
But you've got to make choices
Be wrong or right
Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like
But I was born to try
But you've got to make choices
Be wrong or right
Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like
But I was born to try [mp=1]http://blog.rpwt.info/music/Born_To_Try.mp3[/mp]
在老家德國,10歲時就登上螢光幕,更為音樂連續劇「Ping Pong」作了14首插曲;13歲時吉兒便為德國全國性的運動頻道DSF創作一段15分鐘長的廣告。他驚人的才華,立刻吸引媒體的注意,著名雜誌Bravo所刊載的以吉兒為主角的寫真特輯2+2+LOVE,只發行了兩輯,便贏得了上千名樂迷的支持,Bravo電視台為他所作的電視專輯中,所披露的單曲〈For Heaven's Sake〉,繼而迅速的引起廣大的注目,眾多知名製作爭相為他製作專輯,包括與96年奧運主題曲團體Enigma (謎合唱團)長久合作的Michael Cretu與Peter Schilling黃金製作陣容。 吉兒以15歲之齡,輕鬆坐擁別人必須汲汲營營一輩子才能獲得的成就。
他超越年齡的吉他技巧,豐富的創作才華,以及Soft Grounge的曲風,使他當任不讓倍受推崇成為樂壇最受注目新才子,這股「吉兒」旋風很快地風靡了全球,短短一年時間裡,吉兒已成為全球知名的藝人,甚至連台灣都成立了後援會,走紅程度可見一般,繼轟動全球的專輯《在你身旁》後,吉兒終於推出他的1999年全新單曲〈Walking Down The Line〉,這首抒情而悅耳的作品,勢必再度掠奪你的心,此外這首歌並有Soft Mix、Special Mix、Extended Mix和Groove Mix等不同混音版,讓你感受不同風情的吉兒。
1998.1.30 Talk To You德國發售日
1999.1.14 Gil新版專輯1/14上市
1999.2.23 Gil加拿大專輯發售日
1999.6 Gil的最新單曲”Walking Down The Line”將於6/28於德國發售
1999.7 Gil的最新單曲”Walking Down The Line”於7/23在台發行 Gil Ofarim-- It's Your Love Dancin' in the dark
Middle of the night
Takin' your heart
Holdin' it tight
Emotional touch
Touchin' my skin
Askin' you to do
What you've been doing
All over again
Oh, it's a beautiful thing
Don't think I can keep it all in
I've just gotta let you know
It's your love
Just does somethin' to me
Sends a shock right through me
Can't get enough
So if you wonder 'bout the spell I'm under
It's your love
Better than I was
More than I am
All of that happened
By takin' your hand
Who I am now
Is who I've wanted to be
Now that we're together
Stronger than ever,
happy and free
Oh, it's a beautiful thing
Don't think I can keep it all in
And if you ask me why I'll change
All I gotta do is say your sweet name [mp=0]http://www.wait4c.com/bbs/userfiles/11724/2005090122055648707.mp3[/mp]