平缓优美的旋律,没有什么激昂的东西,可是就这么平淡着,慢慢的渗 透到我的内心.木吉他,配上简单的鼓点,偶尔用些钢琴做点缀,真的证明了往往最简单直接的东西才是最动人的.
tomas wells从澳大利亚开始了自己的音乐事业,并且通过他的第1张唱片a mark on the pane让他在美国,英国,乃至日本都有属于他的听众.怎么说他的音乐风格呢?用独立方式制作出带着流行味道的民谣.虽然看起来 有点矛盾,但仔细想想,却是很贴切的.首先,他的音乐制作程序和制作方式完全是属于独立范畴的.其次,他的音乐并非是属于另类的 ,而是朗朗上口,带着流行的气息.最后,他的音乐质朴的风味充满了民谣的气息.也因此,这样的形容完全合理.现在,你要做的,就 是把它down到自己的硬盘中,慢慢体会这一份充满春天气息的温馨.
I was found on the ground by the fountain about a fields of a summer stride
lying in the sun after i had tried
lying in the sun by the side
we all agreed that the council would end up three hours over time
shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights
i was running late, could apply
for anther one i guess
after parking stores are best
they said that there would be delays
on the temporary pay
for another one i guessed
after parking stores at best
they said that there would be delays on the temporary pay
She was found on the ground in a gown in a fountain
filled by the summer