这是一首来自ginkgo garden的歌曲。清新的旋律吸引着所有的聆听者。正如一则评论所言,"我被那女声的嗓音所迷惑,那一首首诗,一声声Ginkgo Tree,Ginkgo Tree......在天空象鸟儿一样低低地盘旋。 "
银杏树是地球上最古老的物种之一,具有顽强的生命力,其叶形似心状,非常独特。在gingko garden的作品中银杏树已经成为一种和谐的象征,所有表面上对立统一的特性在银杏树身上往往能协调的共处着。银杏象征着希望,又代表着回归。gingko garden也是如此,音乐制作人eddy来自西方的德国,而精美的专辑封面制作却由日本油画家<--StartFragment --> Atsuko Kato完成。电子合成与民族乐器完美的配合在一起。在带给人清新舒适感觉的同时,又能触发人们对自然和生命的思考。
Lead me back into the garden
To the leaves of that tree —— Ginkgo Tree!
欣赏着Atsuko Kato的油画,聆听着她的歌声,让一切烦扰随风而去吧。[mp=1]http://www.lonelytibet.com/music/Ginkgo_Tree.wma[/mp]]
下载Ginkgo Tree
There's a way for us to wander
There's a way for us to wander
If you look straight to the east,
If you look straight to the east,
Leading back into the garden
Leading back into the garden
To the leaves of an old tree.
To the leaves of an old tree.
"One And Twain" keeps me still wondering,
"One And Twain" keeps me still wondering,
But it shows a big harmony.
But it shows a big harmony.
Lead me back into the garden
Lead me back into the garden
To the leaves of that tree-------- Ginkgo Tree!
To the leaves of that tree-------- Ginkgo Tree!
Ginkgo Tree...
Ginkgo Tree...
See the leaf, two parts united,
See the leaf, two parts united,
For so long, millions of years
For so long, millions of years
Living thing, stronger than mankind
Living thing, stronger than mankind
Did survive fires and fears.
Did survive fires and fears.
And I know two poles surrond me
And I know two poles surrond me
In the world, wherever I'll be.
In the world, wherever I'll be.
It's the same as in the garden
It's the same as in the garden
At the leaves of that tree --------Ginkgo Tree
At the leaves of that tree --------Ginkgo Tree 《Ginkgo Tree》那一首首诗,一声声Ginkgo Tree,Ginkgo Tree......在天空象鸟儿一样低低地盘旋。选自专辑:Letters From Earth
[ 此贴被tony在2006-03-24 23:57重新编辑 ]