The Cardigans--Please sister
With a sampled heartbeat and a stolen soul
I sold my songs to have my fortune told
And it said
You should know that love will never die
But see how it kills you in the blink of an eye
I know love is a hot white light
It knocks you down and then leaves you dry
Oh how can it be sweet mama tell me why
Why all loves disciples have to wither and die
Please sister, help me come on do what you should
Please give me something I’m not doing so good
I’m gone, done wrong is there nothing you can say
Please sister help me I’m not feeling ok
Give me believe that my time will come
And a toll free helpline if I find someone
But she said
You gave away what you never really had
And now your purse is empty I can see why you’re sad
Please sister, help me come on do what you should
Please give me something I’m not doing so good
I’m gone, done wrong is there nothing you can say
Please sister help me
Can you make me feel ok
So if it’s true, that love will never die
Then why do the lovers work so hard
To stay alive
Please sister, help me
Please give me something oh
Please sister, you know I do what I can
Oh sweet mama, please descent me a man
Cause I’m gone, gone
Is there nothing you can get
Please sister help me I just need some love
To live
Just a little love to live
The Cardigans/羊毛衫合唱团,来自瑞典,成立于’92年底与其他乐队不同的是,他们的音乐取材于Pop,拉丁,爵士和摇滚。女主唱Nina Persson嗓音清新甜美,将歌曲演绎得婉转动人,俏皮可爱。那种细巧的小女人情怀,虽然并不是令人非常的受落,但单凭听觉享受,仍然十分悦耳趣致。也许大家对他们并不是很熟悉,但脍炙人口的‘罗密欧+茱丽叶’电影主题曲的“Love fool”你们一定还记得吧,这首单曲不仅获得英美点播冠军、英国金榜亚军,还让The Cardigans步入一流乐队行列
瑞典这个国家为世界贡献了杰出的舞曲乐队ABBA和Ace Of Base,为世界贡献了杰出的pop乐队Roxette,如今又为世界贡献了一支杰出的另类乐队The Cardigans(有趣的是他们都是男女混合的、以女子为主唱的乐队)。
The Cardigans成立于1992年10月,由五人组成,乐队成员当时都还不到20岁。在此专辑以前,The Cardigans发行过《Emmerdale》(1994年)和《Life》(1995年),但是除在日本影响颇大,并未引起瑞典以外的注意。是金子总要闪光,《First Band On The Moon》使The Cardigans获得了世界声誉。瑞典是个高福利国家,The Cardigans充分表达出这一影响。整张专辑是过着富余生活的年轻人的玩笑、休闲、恋情和胡思乱想。你听那松松垮垮的节奏,缠缠绵绵的曲调,Nina Persson懒洋洋的演唱,靡靡乎使人如坠五里云雾。音乐是煞费苦心地用音效、各种打击乐器和多变的演奏手法精心点缀的,花哨但不俗气,令人感到那是有闲阶级的雅趣。说得直白点,这是一种带有jazz和pop影响的独特的风格,它将The Cardigans与其它任何乐队区分开来,以致不明真相的听者或许会奇怪如此乐队从何而来,这倒正合The Cardigans心意──月球上的第一支乐队。这是The Cardigans的独特魅力。The Cardigans的音乐是非常大胆的,有些地方的音乐处理对别的乐队会不尽情理,而偏偏于The Cardigans处却十分合适
[ 此贴被布衣清在2005-11-27 17:32重新编辑 ]